PAXCDL10-RED LION CONTROLS- Accessory Analog Output for PAX

SKU: 61836
Accessory - RED LION CONTROLS - รุ่น PAXCDL - เอาท์พุต - 0-10VDC, 4-20mA
Sold-By: Compomax, Factomart




Either a 0(4)-20 mA or 0-10 V retransmitted linear DC output is available from the analog output plug-in card. The programmable output low and high scaling can be based on various display values. Reverse slope output is possible by reversing the scaling point positions.

PAXCDL10 - Retransmitted Analog Output Card


Types: 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 VDC

Isolation To Sensor & User Input Commons: 500 Vrms for 1 min.

Working Voltage: 50 V. Not Isolated from all other commons.

Accuracy: 0.17% of FS (18 to 28°C); 0.4% of FS (0 to 50°C)

Resolution: 1/3500

Compliance: 10 VDC: 10 KΩ load min., 20 mA: 500 Ω load max.

Powered: Self-powered

Update time: 200 msec. max. to within 99% of final output value (digital filter and internal zero correction disabled)

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